Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentine's Day

OK, I did it....I caved and bought some of those silly heart shaped candy boxes for the girls this year. :-) Every time we saw the candy boxes in the stores, the girls asked what was in them. I told them it was always yucky chocolate covered candies, but they were SO I grabbed 3 boxes at the last minute. I almost felt like the cashier looked at me disapprovingly as I checked out...what shame! LOL :-) The girls were thrilled to come home to their treats and a homemade card. The thrill of the candy boxes soon faded though as they took their first bite from the sweet looking box! LOL Emily said, "Ewww" as she bit into a fruit flavored bite, and tossed it into the trash. As the girls began trying to figure out the flavor of each little piece, I quickly grabbed a knife and cut them into halves so they could see the "insides" of the candies. I think they each had a total of 4 pieces that were "acceptable" with some sort of oohey-gooey chocolately goodness inside. Not such a good ratio. :-( Oh well, at least they won't be asking about the candy boxes next year!! LOL

Emily's school didn't have a valentine's day party (guess they're too "old" to have fun). :-( Allyson's class asked the kids to decorate a shoe box for their v-day party. Allyson remembered that Emily had decorated a house-shaped box one year, and she decided to do a similar project. We bought a papier-mache' house and glued it to a shoe box. Allyson went to town decorating it - and it turned out SO cute! The only help she got from me was spraying on the adhesive for the glitter...I just wanted to make sure she didn't glitter the cars in the garage. ;-) Claire's class made a valentine village and each child decorated a paper bag house.

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