Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year! Our new year celebration was pretty low key and uneventful. We made a few goodies and went to visit dh's relatives for the evening. We snacked on and off all night, and played several games. It was fun seeing all of the adults act out words playing Guesstures. I think spoons was the favorite game though...lots of fun! It's amazing that one of us didn't lose an arm playing that game! DH and I got a little competitive at one point, and "he says" I knocked him out of his chair (much to the delight of all the other players...I didn't think we'd ever stop laughing so hard!). I hold firm to my belief that he was pushing me back and lost his balance on his own and simply FELL out of his chair.
My brother-in-law saw everything as he was on the opposite side of the table, and he's on my side of the story! lol I think the only other incidents from the game were a few scratches from the mayhem of everyone grabbing for the spoons. :-) We were so busy with the game that we didn't get photos, but we still have the memories.
We played until 11:00 when the ball dropped in New York. The kids obliged me by wearing hats and blowing horns for pics. :-) Then, we quickly packed up and headed for home....wanting to get off the roads before other people left their parties. Awww...we're *such* exciting people huh? lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! We didn't do much for New Years. Just stayed in and watched tv. We did get to see the fireworks up the road in the next town so that was cool.

My husband will be out there tomorrow. Fingers crossed all goes well!

Hope to meet you soon!

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